Michael In Oklahoma – Week 90 – In Which He Gets To Hear From An Apostle

Monday we went bowling with Wyatt and Jessica. I got a lot of gutterballs. It was great. We got a distraught phone call after dinner and went and saw an investigator who was being overwhelmed by a bunch of crazy stuff going on in her life. We sat and talked for a while and then…

Michael In Oklahoma – Week 88 – In Which He Becomes The Bus Master

Monday we had Zone P-day, where we played ‘Quidditch’, which was basically ultimate-frisbee-with-a-foot-ball-and-you-can-knock-people-out-with-dodge-balls. It was really hectic and fun. We had our training meeting that night, President Walkenhorst came and trained on ‘Mission Culture’, which he taught comes down to our personal culture. You define your mission culture by saying, “In this mission, we…” and…